Sports Massage & Remedial Therapy | Group & 1:1 Running Sessions | Injury Rehabilitation
Fit, Flexible & Strong from Home
New dates coming soon
With Mary Brooking & Caroline Hire
This is for you if:
- you want to move more
- you'd like to add strength work, stretching or cardio but you can't get it into your routine
- you want to be fitter and stronger, whether you currently enjoy exercise or not

In this new workshop we'll aim to understand and breakdown your barriers to exercise to help you bring more movement into your life, and get fitter, more flexible & stronger.
Brief bouts of exercise, as short as one minute, if done consistently, can yield real health benefits. We'll show you a range of workouts of 1 minute, 5 minutes & 10 minutes covering yoga, HIIT (high intensity interval training) and mobility movements. These can all be done at home or anywhere, to help you grab movement opportunities whenever you can.
We'll also explore through group coaching how we can shift our mindset about our identity so we become "someone who exercises", how the foundation for that is finding something we enjoy doing and that this doesn't have to be something that is traditionally thought of as "exercise". Plus there'll be an opportunity to try tapping, a practice that is gaining an increasing body of scientific research for its efficacy in gently rewiring the brain.
It's suitable whatever your starting point.